Implementation of Structural Data from Traffic Speed Deflection Devices

Project No: 124752

Target Completion Date: March 31, 2031 Pavements

About the project:

Previous research has shown the benefit of including structural condition along with pavement surface condition in pavement management decision-making processes. Since 2018, 26 agency partners (plus FHWA) have participated in Transportation Pooled Fund Study TPF 5(385) Pavement Structural Evaluation with Traffic Speed Deflection Devices (TSDDs) where structural condition data was collected on more than 50,000 miles of roadways across the United States. These data, along with new or enhanced analysis methodologies developed as part of this pooled fund research effort, have been used in a variety of ways that include: pavement performance forecasting that incorporates both surface and structural condition, network preservation and rehabilitation strategy planning, network-level screening, and project level investigation. TPF-5(385) comes to end in October 2023, and this proposed pooled fund study will continue with similar work. The objectives of this follow-on pooled fund study include continuation of an existing research consortium that focuses on providing participating agencies guidance on how to specify and implement TSDD data within their respective pavement management systems and processes. Specific tasks within this multi-year program will be developed in cooperation with the partner agencies. 

Project Team

Project Monitor

Other Investigators

  • Gerardo Flintsch, Ph.D.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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